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Deadly Assets (An Allison Campbell Mystery Book 2) - Wendy Tyson

I'm lucky in that I got to read this book before anyone else. And all I can say is WOW! As much as I loved KILLER IMAGE, DEADLY ASSETS offers so much more. Wendy Tyson delves deeper into the makings of the unlikely heroine and amateur private eye, Allison Campbell. Not only do we get to know Allison more, we really get to know Vaughn, Mia, and the rest of the cast of characters that Wendy creates in order to deliver a rich and moving story. But don't let the in-depth character development fool you, this is a fast-paced thriller that will have you flipping (or clicking for you e-readers) pages anxious to see what happens next. I read it on my computer and just couldn't stop after one (ok 20) chapter. I found myself deeply invested in the problems, families and lives of both victims. I won't spoil anything here, but I was utterly surprised by quite a few developments. And I'm hard to surprise as I'm an avid fan of thrillers/mysteries. Wendy Tyson has done the near impossible: created a sophomore effort that exceeds and already fantastic debut.